Dry conditions continue in some areas, with supplementary feeding still ongoing. Despite supplementary feeding, ewes are in lower fat score condition than other years, and so may not be producing sufficient milk to achieve good lamb growth. Early weaning may be an option.
Good management is critical though for this to be successful. Successful early weaning depends upon five critical points:
- 1. Live weight
- 2. Positive growth weight
- 3. Lamb age
- 4. Weaner training
- 5. Lamb health
Lambs should ideally be 20kg weight as a minimum
Lambs need to be gaining weight post weaning. Lambs will need to be weaned onto a high protein (15-18% crude protein) ration which may involve a high concentration of grains like oats, lupins or lamb pellets.

There are several options available to assist in achieving a positive growth weight. One option is to adopt a creep feeding system. This is a simple way to allow lambs access to extra feed supplements or a different supplement, whilst excluding the ewes.
A NSW fact sheet on ‘Creep Feeding lambs’ is available at https://bit.ly/2LHMPDU
With little green feed available another option to consider may be confined feeding or full feedlotting of lambs.
Further details on feedlottting lambs is available in the ‘Feeding and managing sheep in dry times’ bulletin (https://bit.ly/2sLdNig) or from the fact sheet on ‘Feedlotting lambs’ at https://bit.ly/2OmGPi7
Lambs can be weaned at age 70 days from the start of lambing (given an eight week joining period). The youngest lambs should be at least eight weeks of age.
This is preferably done while the lambs are still with their mothers. Lambs may also benefit from some older ewes in the paddock with them to continue to teach them to eat grain. Ensure you introduce grain slowly over a 21 day period.
Weaned lambs need to be fully vaccinated and drenched to avoid preventable health issues.
Continue to carefully monitor weaned lambs to ensure they meet their growth rate targets for their desired market.
Seek further advice from your Livestock Consultant
For more detailed information on weaner management watch out for ‘Winning with Weaners’ workshops on the SheepConnect SA website Events page (https://www.sheepconnectsa.com.au/events).
Source: Central West Local Land Services, NSW